

This is the wordier version of myself. For the nice images, go to my Instagram page: http://www.instagram.com/mjg_paints

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Ready, Set, Resolutions

Ok, it is now nearly the end of January 2021. Easily the ‘longest’ month of any year, compounded by ongoing pandemic saga. For some of us, we may have been in some form of lockdown/house arrest for almost a year now, and it may have been very damaging to our hobbying. For some people, it…

Short Story: ‘Thrice-Greatest’

 For just a moment, dust motes seemed to be the only thing on the move, occasionally catching the lights of nearby escort vessels as they streamed through decorated armourglass panes set into the recesses. Relative for a colossal starship powering through the vast oceans of space, all seemed quiet and still.  To some younger and…

And now for something completely different: Working Class Classics

  The purpose of my study was to ascertain what extent the classical civilisations of Greece and Rome had in the intellectual conceptions of the British labour movement in the early twentieth century. The historiography of this particular topic is nascent, and yet oftentimes compelling. I believed that classics was in fact a far more important…

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